Publié le
18 juin 2007
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Dior exec in Japan gets suspended sentence for drugs

Publié le
18 juin 2007

TOKYO, June 18, 2007 (AFP) - A former senior executive of French fashion house Christian Dior in Japan was convicted Monday on drug charges but allowed to walk free after he showed remorse. The Tokyo District Court handed Mr Monnier, 37, a three-year prison sentence but suspended it for four years.

Monnier, who has since been dismissed as vice president of Christian Dior KK, was arrested in March after he sent eight grams (0.28 ounces) of cocaine in a package from Paris to his Tokyo address.

Monnier imported the drugs "to obtain pleasure," said presiding judge Yasushi Handa. "His experience with drugs is not small. It was an immoral act and his criminal responsibility cannot be disregarded," he said.

After seizing the package, police searched his home where they said they found small quantities of narcotics including four grams of cannabis.

Monnier, who was detained for 45 days, will not return to prison unless he commits another crime during the next four years.

"The accused has admitted to his crime and has shown remorse," said the judge. "We took into consideration the fact that news (of his arrest) was widely reported in Japan and throughout the world, that he was fired from his company and therefore was socially punished," he added.

Monnier, wearing a black suit and a weary look on his face, heaved a sigh of relief upon hearing the verdict.

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